Zania Alake is a new contestant for the 20th season of The Voice on NBC. This singer and actor is looking to make it big on this show. So who is Zania Alake? Find out below!
1. Zania is a mother to a son and daughter, Zaria.
2. She has been invited as a special guest for songwriting classes one of which can be seen below. She said, “Songwriting class with some dope people. Thank you @iamdeanbeanz for having me as a special guest. The students were asked to write a few bars on a particular topic. It was cool to hear everyone’s concept. Great job artists.”
3. Zania has one sister named Sansa, who is a New York Fashion Week Designer and one brother named Ra.
4. She is part of a group called Elevate Musiq Group
5. Zania has a baby girl named Zaria who has a super cute smile.
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