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Home » Robert Herjavec’s Wife, Kym Herjavec: 5 Fast Fun Facts

Robert Herjavec’s Wife, Kym Herjavec: 5 Fast Fun Facts

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Kym Johnson became Robert Herjavec’s Wife, Mrs. Robert Herjavec in 2016. She married the Shark Tank star after partnering with him on the ABC hit show, Dancing with the Stars. Since then the Australian’s life has taken off even faster than she could imagine as the two welcomed adorable twins, and well, go on and read about this dancer turned star below.

Get to Know Robert Herjavec’s Wife, Kym

  1. Robert Herjavec’s wife, Kym is originally from Australia but she recently (in 2019) became a proud citizen of the United States and can now vote. She said “Special day today, I get to vote!”
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Special day today 🇺🇸 I get to vote!

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2. Kym and Robert’s twins, Haven Mae and Hudson already have stamps in their passport. They’re not even 2 years old yet. For their first birthday, they went on a 15 hour flight all the way to Australia, stayed at a hotel on Bondi Beach.

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So special celebrating Haven and Hudson turning 1 with our Aussie Family and friends 💕👼👼🇦🇺🎉🎂 Thank you @sydneysmashcakes @bubblemooballoons

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3. Kym of course is a professional dancer and has competed on Dancing with the Stars many times. Looks like they want to pass the athleticism down to Haven and Hudson. Trying to start them early with tennis.

4. Kym is a dog lover! She has a little white dog named Lola.

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Happy #internationaldogday 🐶 💕 #lola

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5. Kym is a QVC girl like Robert Herjavec’s fellow shark, Lori Greiner. She presents exercise equipment from her company “Bod by Kym.” Her product was well received and sold out!

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Such a fun time @QVC and we sold out @maxiclimber !! Back to LA and @thebodbykym for me ✈️✌🏻

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