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Home » Who Is Luke Stafford from American Idol?

Who Is Luke Stafford from American Idol?

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Luke Stafford is a singer and musician playing multiple instruments who hit the stage of American Idol Season 3. He brings a passion for the cinematic musical experience. Who is Luke Stafford? Find out below!

1. Luke is a saxophonist and you can see him playing “Crazy in Love” by Beyonce below!

2. He also has a bit of the “bad boy” style in him with his enjoyment of motorcycles.

3. Luke is very close with his family. Below you will see him with his parents Cathy and Robert.

4. He loves dogs! Here is what he had to say about his new friend. “This is Noah. My best pal, a man’s best friend, and simply my favorite doggo! 😎 @gloriakimmusic help! I’m falling in love with your pup 🐶😭

5. Luke lives in Los Angeles, Ca and has a tight group of friends.

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Living in LA without these fellas would’ve been impossible. Couldn’t imagine life out west without em. Love you dudes! 😎♥️

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