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Home » Who Is Lisa Robertson’s Fiancé Jeffrey Lawrence?

Who Is Lisa Robertson’s Fiancé Jeffrey Lawrence?

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Lisa Robertson, the former host of QVC, has captured the hearts of many with her warm personality and successful business ventures. After leaving the show, she ventured into the world of entrepreneurship with her line known as GILI, later transitioning to her own brand, Recently, she delighted her fans by announcing her upcoming wedding with Jeffrey Lawrence. Here are seven intriguing facts about Lisa Robertson’s fiancé, Jeffrey Lawrence:

7 Fun Facts About Lisa Robertson’s Fiancé Jeffrey Lawrence

Lisa Robertson from QVC with her boyfriend, Jeff Lawrence in 2023

Jeff is a Home Improvement Contractor

Jeffrey Lawrence is a skilled contractor in the Home Improvement Space, operating under the renowned company Coventry Contractors based in Pennsylvania.

How old is he?

As of 2023, Jeffrey is 51 years old, only slightly younger than Lisa. He boasts a distinguished appearance with a goatee-type beard.

Jeffrey’s Favorite Cereal

When it comes to breakfast choices, Jeffrey has a fondness for the classic and delightful taste of Captain Crunch cereal.

Lisa Robertson's fiance Jeffrey Lawrence 2023

Jeff and Lisa’s Wedding

Lisa made the official announcement on her Facebook page that she is officially a wife! Lisa Robertson and Jeff got married on the weekend of July 29-30, 2023. It’s unclear of the exact date. Lisa looks beautiful in a long white wedding gown while kissing Jeff in front of all their wedding guests.

She wrote, “I found the man I want to spend my life with…and this weekend I married him. Jeff and I shared our special day with a small group of friends and family. I found a good man with a good heart who makes my heart go wild. I feel so blessed”

Side fun fact: Jeff’s daughter, Samatha who also works in Lisa’s business recently got married as well! It’s been a big summer for the father and daughter.

Tattoo and Facebook Lives

A glimpse into Jeffrey’s life reveals that he has a tattoo on his right arm tricep area, adding a touch of individuality to his persona. He has made numerous appearances in Lisa’s Facebook live videos, showcasing their strong bond.

[Related: Where is Lisa Robertson from QVC Today and Where Does She Live?]

Father of an Adult Daughter

Jeffrey Lawrence is a proud father to an adult daughter named Samantha. In June 2023, Lisa’s house hosted Samantha’s wedding to Ben, creating beautiful memories for the whole family. Samantha is also an integral part of Lisa’s team, often featured in various Facebook live cooking videos.

Lisa shared a heartfelt message for the new couple. She said, “Congratulations Samantha and Ben! This weekend they were married and it was such a wonderful event and she made such a beautiful bride. I could not be happier for them!❤️👰‍♀️🍾💍

[Related: Who Is Lisa Robertson’s Stepdaughter Samantha Lawrence?]

Travel and Leisure

The couple shares a mutual love for traveling and exploring new destinations. They have embarked on exciting trips together, including an adventure in Ireland and a tropical escape to the Caribbean. Additionally, they enjoy recreational activities like boating and bike riding, creating a strong connection through shared interests. They have also been spending a lot of time in the Bahamas since tying the knot.

Lisa Robertson with her boyfriend Jeff in 2023
Lisa Robertson with her boyfriend Jeff Lawrence whom she is engaged to
Lisa Robertson with her boyfriend, Jeff Lawrence photo
Lisa Robertson with her boyfriend Jeff Lawrence in Lisa’s kitchen

Watch Jeff Make an Appearance on Lisa’s Facebook Live

You will see him at 01:03 in the video.

Lisa Robertson’s journey from her successful career on QVC to building her own brand (which she recently closed) has been a remarkable one. Now, as she prepares for a new chapter in her life by marrying Jeffrey Lawrence, her loyal fanbase is eagerly anticipating what the future holds for this delightful couple.

What About Lisa’s Ex-Boyfriend, Eric McGee?

Lisa dated Eric in the early 2010’s. He was her personal trainer that she met when she worked at QVC. The couple since split. Find out where Eric McGee is today and if he’s married.


Lisa Robertson is Married to Jeffrey Lawrence in Summer Wedding – It’s Official!

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Lisa Robertson and Husband Jeff Lawrence: Adventures to the Bahamas & Sunscreen Shenanigans

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27 thoughts on “Who Is Lisa Robertson’s Fiancé Jeffrey Lawrence?”

  1. I love Lisa! I’ve been curious what happened to her since she left QVC. I’m glad she found someone. Do you think he’s right for her?

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  7. Pingback: Lisa Robertson Getting Married To Jeffrey Lawrence

  8. Pingback: Lisa Robertson is Married to Jeffrey Lawrence in Summer Wedding - It's Official! - The Reality TV

  9. I’m happy for Lisa that she found her man…however, just read that he had a DUI while driving his Harley in 2021…disappointing !

  10. Pingback: Where is Lisa Robertson's Ex-Boyfriend, Eric McGee Now? - The Reality TV

  11. Big disappointment for The Queen. He’s not nice looking, got a DUI when motorcycle riding, seems to own a faltering construction business. I expected Miss Perfect to at least get a professional …layer, doctor, engineer or a corporate executive. She’s so self absorbed that it’s not surprising this is the best she could do. She decided to get married and that was all she could attract. Notice she doesn’t brag about him bcuz there’s nothing to brag about!

  12. Love the article!! I’ve been following Lisa for years now. Curious, does anyone know how did they meet? When did they first start dating? ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  13. Think it was also reported through more than one blog in the last year or so that the two of them had a longstanding affair while he was still married and that it led to his wife divorcing him a little over a year ago. And she had the “guts” to brag about the engagement ring he bought her and wore a Cinderella gown, at HER age, to marry an this “loser” adulterer who screwed around on his wife with her!!! As someone said on another forum about La Lis…” Well, at least now she can drop the “persona”. I think most will agree that we’ve finally got a glimpse of the REAL Lisa Robertson.

  14. He just married her, didn’t take her on a honeymoon, and is, again, on a “guys trip” with one of his buddies, boating through the intercoastal waterways.. He looks like a drunk! And she’s sitting home roasting vegetables, doing puzzles and interacting with the only friends she seems to have…her Facebook groupies, who are all fawning and worrying about her little man boating his way towards a potential hurricane. I think their bigger worries should be about their ” idol” La Lis and how long THIS joke of a marriage is gonna last and just HOW MUCH he’ll end up taking her over for when he walks away with some of her $ and a 35 year old he hooks up with on one of his ” guy trips”. 😄😅

  15. She acted so sweet and innocent. This guy is so sub par so obviously so is she. I live close so she broke up his marriage? I’m not saying what I heard. A drunken broken down motorcycle contractor of sorts. He and his daughter will live off Lisa which I’m ashamed to have $$ supported w lots of her “stuff” ugh. It’s always broke made in China. Now she wants people to travel w her. You realize you’re paying her way and then some.. I used to like her but she is a fake. Poor people who fall into this. We all bought her junk Christmas stuff. So sad. What happened to her? Or was that fake too? Her taste for the best… hmmm..Her sisters must be ashamed. Drunken motorcycle guy who resists arrest. Wow how the mighty have fallen. Sorry wasn’t a hater just amazed and disappointed.

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  18. Don’t have Facebook or any social media and don’t follow anyone, but a video of Lisa giving Jeff a taste of something she cooked did cross my path…and piqued my curiosity. I watched the video several times of him interacting with her and my initial impression was that he wasn’t very warm towards her. Just my opinion, but I don’t think he’s that into her. But, she seemed quite into him, which is perplexing…midlife crisis? I felt an awkward feeling seeing the two. Reading the post that says there was no honeymoon and he’s off with his buds is on par with my gut reaction when I felt he wasn’t into her…for the right reasons, anyway. As for her, I’ve found her phony and rehearsed…and quite the saleswoman. Now all of her tribe who fawn at her feet will be supplementing her and hubby’s travel dreams. When do people learn. Her tribe wasn’t invited to her engagement party or wedding. Wake up tribe; you’re only included when she needs your money. Remember when she had “Meet ‘n’ Greets?” You had to pay money to meet her. You’re in a one-sided “friendship.” Kinda like what she’s now in. As with all unrequited relationships, just walk away. Maybe I’ll cross paths with her and the beau in their future travels, because I’m a flight attendant and I really do travel for free.

  19. Pingback: Former QVC Host Lisa Robertson Retires from Her Online Boutique - The Reality TV

  20. Pingback: Lisa Robertson and Jeff Lawrence in the Bahamas- The Reality TV

  21. From a self-employed handyman (wonder why he isn’t employed by a professional contracting firm? Most times, it means these types of guys have a “past”, and, thus, are not employable by companies or firms; that’s why they go it alone), to marrying his 3rd wife; one who just happens to be a former home shopping channel host, whose net worth is in the millions. One who is now being encouraged to give up her business, sell her estate for over 4 million dollars and travel the world with him. Is he not going to performing manual labor jobs for his ” clients” going forward, or is he planning on living off her and her millions, while not worrying about his ” business” any longer? Just a thought…

  22. Pingback: New Lisa Robertson Wedding Photos - The Reality TV

  23. That’s a mean thing to say. She’s found the love of her life and what is in the personal life should stay there. Would you like it if people judged you or your husband or kids on a social platform? Sounds like jealous of her, maybe not post such negative comments.

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