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Home » Kevin O’Leary Reveals Anger Management Classes on Shark Tank

Kevin O’Leary Reveals Anger Management Classes on Shark Tank

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Aside from all the companies and hopefuls looking for an investment from the Sharks on Shark Tank for the March 12th episode, one company, Chill Systems lead to a big reveal for Kevin O’Leary.

While the owners/founders of Chill Systems worked hard on their product, leaving their jobs at Google and Apple to take this company on full time, the sharks just didn’t see the value. They saw too many issues with the company to warrant a true investment.

They felt the product had too high of a cost to make sense as a real investment.

Of course, the usual Kevin O’Leary would have thrown one of his famous “angry” lines out at the founders of the companies he didn’t like. Something like “They’ll crush you like the cockroaches you are” would usually come flowing from him.

However, a new revelation came about. Instead of stating one of his famous lines, Kevin O’Leary revealed the fact that he took anger management classes.

Lori Greiner actually posted this to Twitter.

So now it is left to be seen how Kevin O’Leary is different for the 12th season of Shark Tank.


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