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Home » Who is Brenda Cooper from Celebrity Family Feud?

Who is Brenda Cooper from Celebrity Family Feud?

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Celebrity Family Feud is welcoming Charles Shaughnessy and Fran Drescher from the beloved sitcom, The Nanny. Their teams will be going up against each other to battle it out for charity on the Steve Harvey hosted game show on September 12, 2021.

Fran will be joined by four teammates including Brenda Cooper. Who is she exactly and how does Fran know her?

1. Brenda Cooper was the costume designer from The Nanny. Remember the iconic outfit worn by Fran? The infamous multi-colored vest and hat were actually seen on model Twiggy before Fran ever wore it.

In an Instagram post, she said “The famous Cheap & Chic Moschino Vest that I dressed Fran in for the pilot of The Nanny started its journey on Twiggy in the short lived sitcom Princess which is where I met Fran.”

2. For all fans of The Nanny, get a glimpse into styling behind the scenes on the 90’s sitcom. In this photo shared of Fran Drescher, she is wearing a famous lime green two piece for a scene “on a date with a blind man.”

3. Brenda shared her most favorite outfit she ever dressed Fran in on “The Nanny.” She said, “This was one of my all time favorite outfits I dressed @officialfrandrescher in. The Asian inspired embroidery, took my breath away. 💄❤️💋

4. Brenda Cooper has one son, Clayton. “How lucky and proud I am to call this handsome young man my son. Official photographer at the premier of Frans Drescher’s Cancer Schmancer movie Be The Change with Jamie Foxx,” she captioned the photo of she and her son.

5. Brenda posted a selfie of she and the whole Fran-tastic group on Celebrity Family Feud. “Don’t miss!! Game On!!” she exclaimed. Also in the photo is Fran Drescher, Meryl Starr, Judi Mann and Howie Prieser.

6. Fran continued her professional relationship with Brenda even past The Nanny. Even though Brenda worked as the official costume designer for The Nanny, she also worked on The Fran Drescher Show and Happily Divorced.

7. Brenda also commented on how she got inspired to style CC Babcock in The Nanny. “I created CC Babcock’s style with a sophisticated Town & Country feel using the same principles as I did with Fran but with a different outcome! I loved dressing her!!@officiallaurenlane,” she confessed.

Tune in to Celebrity Family Feud with Charles Shaughnessy and Fran Drescher on Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 8pm EST.


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